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[Patch 14.9] LoL 14.9 Patch Notes

See phoenixkola's Twitch channel

1. Buffs

  1. Amumu
  2. Karma
  3. Kennen
  4. Malzahar
  5. Sejuani
  6. Seraphine

2. Nerfs

  1. Ahri
  2. Aurelion Sol
  3. Blitzcrank
  4. Evelynn
  5. Jinx
  6. Kassadin
  7. Master Yi
  8. Olaf
  9. Pyke
  10. Skarner
  11. Taliyah
  12. Twitch
  13. Urgot

3. Adjustments

  1. Selection / Gameplay Radius
  2. Akshan
  3. Bel'Veth
  4. Janna
  5. Nilah

4. Items

Item Buffs:

  1. Death's Dance

Item Nerfs:

  1. Eclipse
  2. Sundered
  3. Sterak's Gage

Item Adjustments:

  1. Hexdrinker
  2. Maw of Malmortius

5. Comment From Lead Gameplay Designer

Fighter Item Changes

  • Sterak's Gage, Eclipse and Sundered Sky are dominating their slots
  • After this set of changes, we'd expect items that compete like Black Cleaver, Deaths Dance (which is getting buffed) to be more viable options on both heavy and light fighters alike
  • Maw is receiving some changes to make it less of a sharp "always counter" to magic damage users by focusing more of its defensive power budget relatively in the shield, rather than just face tanking all Magic Damage

Champ Hitboxes

  • Champ hitboxes have been pretty inconsistent for a long time and consistency lover @RiotPhreak found an opportunity to do a pass
  • This will mean things like champions will be more consistent to click on (both click to attack and select), champions will more consistently have hitboxes that feel in line with their size (eg. Warwick and Briar will not be Yordle sized and Viktor will not be much larger to click on than Leona)


  • A combination of fixing Skarner's rec items, players learning his optimizations (eg. Q before E) and shifting him into Jungle led him to be pretty powerful this patch
  • We're hitting him with another nerf
  • He's turned out to be pretty Elite skewed (hard spiking on level 9, as well as optimization heavy)
  • We're thinking about ways to even out his skew between roles (ideally JG and Top are both viable, but with Top having a healthy lane pattern and JG being a primary role)

Power Creep Pass

  • One of the stories of this patch is being more intentional about power creep; the last few patches have been pretty buff heavy, so we're looking to pull some power out of some champions
  • Our general order for this is:
  1. Champions with outsized levels of frustration for their current power level (some champions need to be certain levels of frustrating, or they're just not doing their job; eg. a 10% banrate Zed is probably just not functional as a champion
  2. Champions with known high mastery who are sitting over 50% (eg. if Azir is sitting over 50%, we know something's probably wrong.)
  3. Champions who have been stale for a long time at 'high side of balanced' power level (eg. they are technically balanced, but balanced is a wide spectrum, and they've been sitting on the borderline of OP for a while)


  • We know Draven is one of these champions that typically belongs in category 1.
  • We don't believe he's overpowered, but he's certainly pretty frustrating, especially as he comes back into meta. We'll be monitoring his frustration closely and expect it to go down over time